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Comprehensive services

the company provides services for using sustainable decision energy and technology

Capital Raising and M&A:

Javelin offers expertise in raising capital and facilitating mergers and acquisitions. Through our global network of investors and strategic partners, we enable our clients to secure the necessary funds for growth and explore strategic alliances that drive value creation.

Strategic Buy-Side Advisory:

Our team provides comprehensive buy-side advisory services, guiding clients in formulating an investment thesis, then identifying and evaluating strategic acquisition targets. Leveraging our industry knowledge and deal-making expertise, we help clients make informed investment decisions that align with their growth objectives.

Financing Advisory:

Javelin excels in providing tailored solutions in the project finance and structured credit market. By leveraging our deep understanding of project debt finance and tax equity structures, regulatory frameworks, and industry trends, we assist clients to secure the necessary funding for their renewable energy and energy storage projects, toward value-accretive execution.

Javelin Capital stands out as a trusted partner for developers, corporations and investors seeking to navigate the evolving landscape of renewable energy, energy storage, and green chemistry sectors. Our hallmark is “where strategy and capital meet”, and we drive successful outcomes through thoughtful strategy formation, wide-reaching industry relationships, rigorous analysis, and efficient execution. With our vast experience, comprehensive services, and commitment to the energy transition, we empower our clients to capitalize on emerging opportunities, build sustainable growth, and contribute to a greener future.

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Office Address

Emergency call ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.Phasellus rhoncus efficitur magna nec pellentesque.

99 Roving St., Big City, PKU 23456

Emergency Call

Emergency call ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.Phasellus rhoncus efficitur magna nec pellentesque.


Office Address

Emergency call ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.Phasellus rhoncus efficitur magna nec pellentesque.

99 Roving St., Big City, PKU 23456